The Untold Mysteries Of Sri Jagannath Puri Which You Don’t Know


Due to the well-known Sri Jagannath temple, the city of Puri in the Indian state of Odisha is also frequently called Jagannath Puri. This holy city, which is also well-known for its beautiful beaches, makes a great vacation for both tourists and pilgrims.

It should come as no surprise that the Sri Jagannath temple here draws lakhs of worshippers every year for its different ceremonies and festivals since it is one of the seven holiest destinations for Hindus in India. The most well-known of them is the yearly Jagannath Rath Yatra, also known as the “Chariot Festival”.

Jagannath puri holds many secrets from thousands of years which will leave you in a jaw-dropping situation once you know it. So, without further ado, let us unveil some of the greatest mysteries of Sri Jagannath Puri.

Lord Krishna’s heart is still beating at Jagannath puri:

Unbelievable right? For me also this one is the most mysterious talk ever. According to myth, King Indradimna, the former king of Puri, had a dream & quickly carried out its advice. Then, he came across Lord Krishna’s heart floating in the water. Since that time, people have come to think that Lord Jagannath’s wooden statue contains the heart. This procedure, called “NABAKALEBARA,” is carried out for a period of 12 years. Electricity is turned off not only in the vicinity of the temple but also throughout the entire town of Puri during this ritual.

The wooden idols have their weight increasing:

The Temple of Sri Jagannath, one of the most miraculous places in the world is Puri and the existence of Lord Jagannath and the notion of life would astonishingly hover about your thoughts if you can comprehend the story. For modern scientists, the temple’s architectural design is still a mystery. When carrying temples to the chariot (rath) during the period of Puri Jagannath, the growing weight of the gods’ wooden idols was still a mysterious wonder to everyone.

Puri Mystery

Flag floating Challenging physics:

Any fabric or flag should float in the direction of the wind, according to science. Nevertheless, in the Jagannath temple in Puri, this natural law is in conflict. Due to the fact that the flag atop the temple’s Sikhara constantly flies against the wind.

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An 1800 year old ritual that gives chills to the world:

Every day, a temple staff member manually changes the flag atop the Nila Chakra while ascending 214 feet & 8 inches above the surface without any safety equipment. In order to change the flag, a priest must climb the temple’s 45-story like dome each day. There have been 1800 years of this ritual. Furthermore, this practice is performed every day, no matter the weather. If this practice is ever skipped, it is thought that the temple will be closed for the preceding 18 years.

No food wastatge ever:

With the assistance of 6000 cooks and 400 assistants, the food made here in the 32 kitchens using 250 earthen ovens never goes to waste. The management doesn’t give the leftovers to the public. Unknowingly, none of the devotees, who number between 2000 and 20,000 daily, leave any leftovers. Simply expressed, the amount of food is the same, but there are different devotees every day. Yet, there is no food shortage or food waste.

Magical cooking process:

In earthen pots, food is prepared in the kitchen of the Jagannath Temple in Puri. On top of the logs in the hearth, the pots are stacked one on top of the other. The food is evenly cooked in the pots, and what’s astounding is that it cooks first in the top-most pot before cooking evenly in the pots below it, with the bottom-most pot cooking the least. Another astounding and surprising fact about Jagannath Temple is this one.

Puri Mystery

No shadow and nothing flies above the Temple:

A shadow is a partial darkness or obscurity inside a region of space where a light source’s rays are blocked by a nearby opaque object. You won’t believe there is no shadow at Puri Jagannath Temple. The main dome’s shadow cannot ever be seen because of the temple’s unique engineering design.

Nothing, not planes, not even a bird, hovers above. This hasn’t been explained logically yet. Over the temple, there are no birds. Except for the Puri Jagannath temple, birds can be seen flying around and perched on any temple in India.

I will do what I want Sea:

You must have noticed that the wind from the sea blows towards the land during the day in any region of the world, while the wind from the land blows towards the sea during the night. In this case, the exact reverse occurs where the breeze from the ground blows towards the sea during the day and the breeze from the sea flows during the night. One of the scientific puzzles surrounding the Lord Jagannath Temple in Puri is how the winds behave along the coast where the shrine is located.


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