Saudi Arabia’s Turtle-Shaped Floating City Set to Become World’s Largest Boat, Know Features, Cost & Size



A $5 billion terayacht called “Pangeos” will shortly embark in Saudi Arabia. This terayacht, which is shaped like a turtle, is set to surpass all previous records for the largest floating structure in the world. This massive ship’s name is inspired by Pangea, a supercontinent thought to have existed between 200 and 335 million years ago. The interiors of the opulent project, which was created by the Italian design firm Lazzarini, have not yet been made public, but Lazzarini anticipates an investment of $8 billion and an eight-year building schedule. The nine various bows that makeup Pangeos are further separated into many blocks.



Features and Size of Pangeos

It will be constructed similarly to a “floating city” by its creators. It will be 2,000 feet broad and 1,800 feet long. The gigantic ship can accommodate 60,000 people at once. The news further mentioned that each turtle wing of the floating yacht will house 64 flats and 19 villas. A rooftop garden, mall, & beach club will also be included in Pangeos’ amenities. The remarkable structure will also have a 650-meter wide by 600-meter long “Terashipyard” infrastructure that will give direct access to the sea.

The bows start at the port’s main square and continue through a large terraced villa before leading to individual residences, structures, and rooftop terraces. A higher “shell” zone allows for the landing of a variety of flying objects. The design team’s basement contains thirty thousand cells or cluster compartments & offers an unsinkable floating solution that is intended to be mostly constructed in steel.



The news story claims that Pangeos is built to travel nonstop around the globe. It will be furnished with practically limitless green energy resources. The ocean waves and the roof’s solar panels are probably what power the engine. It is anticipated that the enormous turtle-shaped yacht will cruise at a top speed of 5 knots (5.7 mph/9.2 kph).

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