Mount Sinai: Where God Spoke To The Moses For The First Time


Mount Sinai is at a place with enormous historical & spiritual significance to the 3 major monotheistic religions of the world in the lonely and unforgiving high desert of Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. The region’s topography and historical sites are deeply connected to the Jewish, Christian, & Muslim faiths.

The three major religions revere Mount Sinai as the site of God’s revelation of the 10 Commandments to Moses. Monastery of St. Catherine which is noted to be 1,700-year-old, located at the base of the mountain, is the oldest continuously running Christian monastery in the world and a World Heritage Site. It is home to what is thought to be the Biblical burning bush as well as a renowned collection of sacred texts and iconography. A mosque can be found on Mount Sinai as well as inside St. Catherine’s.

Mount Sinai

Mount Sinai History:

Due to its religious significance, Mount Sinai has experienced a major increase in popularity. Although there is disagreement over the exact location of Mount Sinai and a number of mountains have been suggested as its location in the Bible, Mount Horeb, which rises to a height of 2,285 metres and is situated opposite Mount St. Catherine, Sinai’s highest peak, is generally accepted to be the mountain.

From a flaming bush, according to the book of Exodus, God spoke to Moses for the first time and instructed him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Then, Moses went back to Egypt and persuaded the Pharaoh to deliver the Israelites to him. Together, they landed at the base of Mount Sinai after months of the journey. When God arrived, there was a thunderous boom and lightning to announce his presence. Moses was called to the summit of the mountain, where he impressively spent 40 days & 40 nights. He returned and gave the Israelites the 10 Commandments that God had given him.

Mount Sinai

How to reach Mount Sinai:

There are two routes you can choose from if you want to climb Mount Sinai. The first way entails climbing the 3750 steps of penitence that monks chiseled out of the mountainside. The second is the Camel Path. This is the greatest choice for people looking for a more leisurely ascent because the path slowly meanders up to the summit. In the end, both routes will come together at Elijah’s Hollow, also called the Seven Elders of Israel, a natural amphitheater where you’ll have the opportunity to relax and sip tea before completing the final 750-step climb. Note that numerous tours are running there you can choose from.

Best time to visit:

Spring and Autumn

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