Detailed Explanation: What Is Daylight Saving, Its Purpose, How It Works, Origination, Etc


During this time of the year, we usually hear these words more often “Day Light Saving” or “Daylight Saving Time” (DST). Let’s just dig into what exactly this daylight saving is, how it works, what is the purpose of it, is it really beneficial, its origination, why only about 70 country follows DST, not the whole world, and understand daylight saving in detail.

You must have often heard that countries like USA, Australia, and so on are doing daylight saving. Right? And you just know a little about it thinking okay its some kind of light saving making changes in the clock and so on. Honestly, any layman cannot understand the concept easily until you come from a country that follows the daylight saving concept.

What is Daylight saving and Daylight Saving Time?

In order to increase the amount of daylight that is available in the evenings, Daylight Saving Time (DST) is a process that involves moving the clock forward during the summer. This is normally accomplished by moving the clocks one hour forward in the spring (usually in March or April) and again one hour back in the fall (usually in October or November).

How does it work?

DST is a seasonal time-change measure in which clocks are moved forward one hour from standard time for a specific period of the year. The Sun rises and sets later than usual when Daylight Saving Time begins. DST is used in roughly 40% of nations nowadays to maximize daylight and reduce energy consumption.

Although DST is utilised in many nations throughout the world, not all of them observe it, and even in those that do, not all areas or states may adhere to the same schedule or set of laws.

Daylight saving

What kind of geographical requirement is there to do Daylight saving for any country?

In areas close to the equator, the length of the day and night is almost equal, that is 12 hours. The summer, however, has significantly more daylight hours than the winter does elsewhere on Earth. The summer daylight hours are longer the closer you are to the North or South Poles. As a result, Daylight Saving Time (also known as Summer Time) is typically not beneficial in tropical regions, and nations close to the equator typically do not alter their clocks.

People prefer Daylight Saving Time as there is more daylight in the evenings according to a U.S. Department of Transportation poll. 68% of New South Wales’ 2.7 million residents who participated in a 1976 survey said they liked daylight saving time.

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What is the purpose of daylight saving?

DST’s primary goal is to maximise the amount of daylight during the summer when the days are longer. It is feasible to transfer an hour of daylight from the mornings to the evenings, when people tend to be more active, by advancing the clock by one hour.

Origination or History of Daylight Saving?

Several people attribute Benjamin Franklin’s possible satirical letter he wrote for the Journal de Paris in 1784 as the reason for daylight saving time. In the letter, he described how surprised he was to see the sun rising at 6 a.m., long before many Parisians ever experienced daylight. He claims that the city could save an “immense sum” of candles if that were to alter.

Instead of proposing a change in the clocks, he offered alternative humorous remedies to the issue, such as charges on shuttered windows, restrictions on candle sales, and cannons blasting in the street to wake people up.

Others attribute the concept to George Hudson, a New Zealand-born entomologist who proposed a two-hour shift in 1895 to allow for further post-work bug hunting. A similar suggestion to stop daylight wastage was made shortly after by William Willett, who introduced the notion to England’s Parliament in the early 1900s.

It wasn’t until World War I that Germany made the decision to move forward with a similar strategy, enacting the “first daylight saving time” in 1916 to maximise resource consumption throughout the day. The first seasonal time change in the US occurred in 1918, and the country quickly followed right after.

Daylight saving

Is Daylight Saving Time really beneficial?

It’s been 100 years daylight saving has been followed but honestly, as per reports, some claim that energy conservation and other justifications for Daylight Saving Time are only excuses and that the main reason Daylight Saving Time is a feature of many countries is just that citizens like to enjoy the long summer evenings.

In view of the fact that days begin to lengthen in the spring & subsequently begin to shorten in the fall, the goal behind the clock change is to maximise sunshine in the Northern Hemisphere. According to this reasoning, people can extend the length of the day by one hour by moving their clocks ahead and backward. Yet, the advantages of this modification are debatable, and it may have observable effects on health.


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