5 Visit-Worthy places in Barcelona

Basílica de la Sagrada Familia

Dedicated to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, the Basilica of the Sagrada Familia is a massive church. On the basis of designs created by the architect Francisco de Paula del Villar, construction started in 1882. The Temple was exclusively financed by contributions and has always been a place of atonement. 

Nearest Subway

  • Sagrada Família • 2 min walk
  • Monumental • 7 min walk

Best Time to Visit Sagrada Familia

9:00 am to 11:00 am – April to September is the peak tourist season at Sagrada Familia.


  • Ticket costs 20€ for adults 
  • Students, pensioners, children and Youth cardholders pay 18€
  • Seniors pay 16€. 


  • From November to February gates open from 9 am to 6 pm
  • March gates open at 9 am and close at 7 pm
  • From April to September, the basilica opens from 9 am to 8 pm
  • October, it runs from 9 am to 7 pm

Casa Batlló

This private residence in the Passeig de Gracia was famously created by renowned architect, Gaudi, and is known as the “House of Bones” for its unusual skeletal facade.

Nearest Subway

  • Passeig de Gràcia • 4 min walk
  • Provença • 8 min walk


  • Blue: Ticket + Audioguide for 35 € 
  • 0 – 12 years free entry
  • 13 – 17 years/students 29 € and 65+ pay 32 €

Opening Hours

Casa Batllo is open 365 days from 9 AM to 6:30 PM.

Best time to visit

March to May, or September to November if you wish for a quieter holiday

Gothic Quarter (Barri Gotic)

Visit some of the city’s most significant political structures and gothic architecture while strolling through mediaeval Barcelona’s historic core.

Nearest Subway

  • Jaume I • 3 min walk
  • Liceu • 5 min walk


Visitation is free


Open 24×7

Best time to visit

May to August

Casa Milà – La Pedrera

The architect Antoni Gaud (1852-1926) built Casa Mila, also known as La Pedrera, between 1906 and 1912. In 1984, UNESCO designated Casa Mila as a World Heritage Site. One is transported back in time by seeing La Pedrera, a famous structure and container.

Nearest Subway

  • Diagonal • 4 min walk
  • Can Serra • 5 min walk


  • Tickets for La Pedreral 25 €
  • Students and 65+: 19 €
  • 0 – 6 years free admission and 7 – 12 years 12.50 €


From Monday to Sunday, and holidays: 9:00 am – 6:30 pm

Sessions night tour: 07:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Best time to visit

May to August

Palace of Catalan Music

A landmark of modernist architecture in Barcelona is Palau. One of the city’s most emblematic structures and a highly recommended tourist destination in Barcelona is the Palau de la Msica Catalana. The Palau de la Msica Catalana, one of the most remarkable Gaudi structures, was constructed by the renowned architect Lluis Domènech I Montaner between 1905 and 1908. It is an architectural gem of Catalonia and a must-see during any trip to the city. This historic structure, which UNESCO designated as a World Heritage Site in 1997, gives a unique experience that makes tourists fall in love with it.

Nearest Subway

  • Urquinaona • 3 min walk
  • Catalunya • 6 min walk


  • ‘Self-guided tour’ adult 15 € 
  • 0 – 11 years: free entry
  • With a tour guide € 19 


9am to 8pm, daily

Best time to visit

May to August

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